Thursday, March 6, 2008

Preface - Reflections of a Mormon

While I was serving as a full time missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I wrote the following book reflecting on my beliefs. Reflections of a Mormon is a compilation of my studies and love for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I welcome you and thank you for allowing me to share this work with you. There are 13 parts and my testimony at the end listed on the right side of the screen. You can feel free to go through any or all of them. Also, if you wish to read this work in French, there is a link to the French site above the picture.
Thank you!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Magnificent. It is found in its plainness in the scriptures which testifies of Jesus Christ and His ministry. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I often reflected on how plain the teachings of the prophets are. Those writings are available to all of us. As I study the Bible and the Book of Mormon, two witnesses of Christ, I can see the greatness of the plan of God and the principles Christ taught as He established His church on both Eastern and Western hemisphere. These Holy writings He has given us are His words through the mouth of His faithful servants, the prophets. I know that through those writings we can find the fullness of the Doctrines of Christ.

Christ is the center of the “Mormon” religion. Mormonism is not a cult. As its name professes, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is lead by Jesus Christ. Through this study, we will discuss the Doctrines of Christ and how they are taught in the Church of Jesus Christ. We will see that all of Christ’s doctrines are found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I express my deep thanks to all those that made this ‘journey’ possible. Among those, I express my deep respect for President Thorderson who helped me, during my mission, to develop, within me, the desire to search and understand the message of the scriptures. Acknowledgment is also given to sister Black for her great help as well as the office staff of the Utah Salt Lake City mission and some close missionary friends for their support. I also express my gratitude to all the people I met during the course of my mission who instilled within me, the desire to understand better the Doctrines of Christ as found in His Church.
Above all, I give all my gratitude to God for His inspiration, guidance, and love that I felt throughout the preparation of this work. Glory be in His name.

June 30, 2000

The insights represented in this book were acquired to a great extend as I was serving as a missionary in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission. I have a deep sense of gratitude for these insights and the influence they have had in my life. It is my sincere hope and prayer that it may also influence the life of others.
In invite anyone who would like to share their feelings, observations or comments, to write me at the following e-mail address:


Dr. B said...

I added your blog to my site aggregator. Could you please help to attract new users to the Mormon Blogosphere aggregator? Also could you set your site to allow feeds.

Copy and paste the following code into your HTML/JavaScript widget, then take out the # signs:

<#a href=""><#img src=""/><#/a>


Dr. B.

Michelle Wilson said...

I really like your writing, and ecourage you to try to publish a book. I'm in the same boat- writing on a blog about my testimony, hoping to touch just one persons life. You have a talent in breaking down complex principles for solid understanding. Good luck in your endeavors!

Anonymous said...

je decouvre ton livre et j aie une question :
j alimente en ce moment le site wikipedia en francais pour tout ce qui concerne l Evangile et l Eglise quand le sujet n existe pas deja.
Si tu es d accord et si cela `passe` avec wiki, me permets tu de creer des liens vers ton livre si l article wiki correspond a ceux que tu as traite dans tes pages ?

Maithe Pichon - Grenoble